Joris Ghilini
I am a French contemporary artist born April 6, 1978 in Marseille. Self-taught, I paint, sculpt and draw. I grew up in a family dominated by the arts, including a father who was a theatre director and concert organizer.
I found my voice and my identity in the great currents of art history such as the new realists who have greatly influenced me as well as the subcultures of graffiti, heavy metal and skateboarding.
In 1996, I joined the Law Faculty of Aix en Provence and graduated a few years later with a diploma in immaterial law and new technologies. Having become an intellectual property advisor, I left this profession in 2009 in order to pursue applied research on the notion of iconography and its endangerments.
Passionate about science fiction and questions related to our environmental future, I have established myself as a kind of underground jack-of-all-trades, through post-apocalyptic imagery but also through my sculptures from which a raw energy emerges. .
The themes I deal with reflect a wide variety of contemporary questions that have led me to exhibit all over the world in art galleries or more recently at the Regards de Provence museum in order to create an installation called “Guitar Shop”.